DF5-M, DF5-P

Product File Version Size Date
DataFast5™ User Manual DataFast5™ User Manual.pdf 1.0.3 1.32MB 09/06/2014
This software contains the latest bug fixes and patches and has been tested. Please report any bugs you may find to Greystone Technical Support.
Installation instructions can be found here.
  Version 2.0.18  
Release Date: July 27, 2011  
Software Download
Application Update File: df5.2.0.18.tar      
Product Information View more information
Technical Notes and How To
This version fixes the bugs such as: can not execute partition copy function when idle partition list screen for long time and lost HPA section on source disk when initilizing copy process error.See documentation for more information.
Installation instructions Release Document Checksum  
  Version 2.0.14  
Release Date: April 14, 2011  
Software Download
Application Update File: df5.2.0.14.tar      
Product Information View more information
Technical Notes and How To
This version fixes the some bugs such as: copy log files with wrong files if Time and Date of system is incorrect, the copy speed is very low when doing copy with XFR source drive and "Hang up" system when target drives were ready but can not get identify... See documentation for more information.
Installation instructions Release Document Checksum